This license terms also apply to FB Alpha Plus!

The FB Alpha Plus! Team will be not responsible if you break the following terms:

Thanks to Gangta for the original FB Alpha Combo sources for AVI support and Game macros (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/gangta/).
Thanks to JAVH and bms888 for porting the AVI support.
Thanks to IQ_132 and Jimmy_Page for the driver help (http://neosource.1emulation.com/).
Thanks to Evilsou for the extra dirs help.
Thanks to emufan for the IPS patching support and Game macros porting
Thanks to netbug for all source code improvements and help.
Thanks to everyone else that helped here that I forgot.

This is the original license of the FB Alpha emulator, on which this version is bassed:

You may freely use, modify, and distribute both the FB Alpha source code and binary, however the following restrictions apply to the FB Alpha original material (see below for a list of libraries with differing licenses, please consult their respective documentation for more information):

The FB Alpha website is http://fba.emuunlim.com/.

FB Alpha is based on Final Burn (http://www.finalburn.com/), see additional text below.
Musashi MC68000/MC68010/MC68EC020 core by Karl Stenerud (http://www.mame.net/).
A68K MC68000 core by Mike Coates & Darren Olafson (http://www.mame.net/).
YM3812 core by Jarek Burczynski & Tatsuyuki Satoh (http://www.mame.net/).
YM2151 core by Jarek Burczynski (http://www.mame.net/).
YMF278B core by R. Belmont & O.Galibert (http://www.mame.net/).
YM2608/YM2610 cores by Jarek Burczynski & Tatsuyuki Satoh (http://www.mame.net/).
AY8910/YM2149 core by various authors (http://www.mame.net/).
Z80 emulation core by Dave, modifications by Team FB Alpha (http://www.finalburn.com/).
PNG functionality provided by libpng (http://www.libpng.org/).
Zip functionality provided by zlib (http://www.gzip.org/zlib/).
Netplay functionality provided by Kaillera (http://www.kaillera.com/).

Some graphics effects provided by the Scale2x, Eagle Graphics, 2xSaI, and hq2x/hq3x/hq4x libraries (http://scale2x.sourceforge.net/, http://retrofx.com/, http://elektron.its.tudelft.nl/~dalikifa/, http://www.hiend3d.com/).

Miscellaneous other components from various sources. Copyright and license information are contained in the relevant parts of the source code.

All material not covered above © 2004 Team FB Alpha.

DISCLAIMER: The authors of FB Alpha don't guarantee its fitness for any purpose, implied or otherwise, and do not except responsibility for any damages whatsoever that might occur when using FB Alpha. All games emulated by FB Alpha, including any images and sounds therein, are copyrighted by their respective copyright holders. FB Alpha DOES NOT INCLUDE any ROM images of emulated games.

The following information and license conditions accompanied the original Final Burn emulator. They also apply to FB Alpha:

"Copyright (c)2001 Dave (www.finalburn.com), all rights reserved. This refers to all code except where stated otherwise (e.g. unzip and zlib code).

"You can use, modify and redistribute this code freely as long as you don't do so commercially. This copyright notice must remain with the code. If your program uses this code, you must either distribute or link to the source code. If you modify or improve this code, you must distribute the source code improvements.

"Homepage: www.finalburn.com
"E-mail: dave@finalburn.com"